US - The executive committee of the International Committee of Taxonomy of Viruses has approved the naming of a new virus as influenza D.The committee officially announced a new genus, Orthomyxovirdae, with a single species, Influenza D virus, because of its distinctness from other influenza types—A, B and C.The virus was first discovered by South Dakota State University researcher Ben Hause back in 2011 when he isolated the virus from a diseased pig.He later found that cattle were the primary reservoir for influenza D and identified and characterised the new virus as part of his doctoral research under professor Feng Li's tutelage.
国际病毒分类学委员会(the International Committee of Taxonomy of Viruses)的执行委员会批准一种新病毒命名为D型流感。委员会同时也正式宣布一种新的正粘病毒科病毒种类出现,该病毒物种单一。由于要把它与流感病毒A型、B型和C型区分开来,所以称为D型流感病毒。南达科塔州立大学研究员Ben Hause在2011年首次发现了这种病毒,当时他从一头患病猪身上分离出了这种病毒,后来又发现牛也是D型流感的原始宿主。在Feng Li教授的指导下,他把新病毒特性作为自己博士研究的一部分。